Visit Maasai Mara

Amazing experiences at the Serena Lodge, Maasai Mara

Professional Mail Service

Office 365 is a cloud hosted mail service that is secure, reliable and user friendy.

Eat fresh everyday

Subway offers you the freshest food in the market - grab a sub today

Safaricom 4G Speed

Upgrade to a free 4G sim card today and get faster speeds!!

Book flights fast

Book the cheapest flights from Nairobi to Dar es Salaam here #dealsGalore

Planet Yoghurt

Buy a Froyo and get another free from Galleria branch between 10:00 am to middayevery Friday

A night to remember

Book a night at the Sankara Hotel today and rejuvenate your body and soul

Uber is here for you!

Uber will carry you at half price if you share your experience on social media


Artcaffe at the Oval is now open 24 hours a day every Friday and Saturday